We welcome parents into school and there are many ways in which we can work together.

We hold regular assemblies and open days where parents may see the children at work. 

Parent Evenings are held twice a year in the Autumn and Spring terms to discuss your child’s progress. However parents may arrange to see a teacher or the head at any convenient time. A written report will be sent home towards the end of each summer term.


A home-school agreement is a statement explaining the school’s aims, values, policies and procedures, its responsibilities towards its pupils, the responsibilities of the pupil’s parents, and what’s expected of pupils.

At St Thomas’, we recognise each pupil as an individual and aim to give all pupils every opportunity to realise their full potential. We believe that a close partnership between the school, parents and pupils is essential if we are to achieve this aim.

The aim of our home-school agreement is to encourage consistency, equality and fairness in all matters pertaining to the school. This can be done most effectively when all staff, parents and pupils understand their responsibilities and work together towards the same goals.

We require all parents and pupils to sign the home-school agreement and maintain an awareness that advice from the DfE states that refusal to sign the school’s home-school agreement does not provide exemption for any pupils from the rules outlined by the school.

Home-school agreement

As a school we will:

  • Provide a safe and secure learning environment.
  • Teach and encourage pupils to do their best and achieve their full potential as a valued member of the school community.
  • Promote positive values and a caring attitude towards the school community.
  • Provide a balanced curriculum of the highest quality and meet the individual needs of every pupil.
  • Offer opportunities for parents to become involved in the daily life of the school.
  • Contact parents as soon as concerns are raised about a pupil’s work, behaviour, attendance or punctuality.
  • Have a clear and consistent approach to rewards and sanctions for pupils, as set out in the school’s Behaviour Policy.
  • Communicate between home and school through newsletters, the school website, emails and in-app messages (Arbor).
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which challenges pupils to reach their potential and fulfils the requirements of the national curriculum.
  • Negotiate fair codes of conduct and school rules with pupils that develop respect for others. Value and celebrate individual achievements.
  • Keep parents informed about their child’s progress and behaviour, as well as their termly curriculum.
  • Welcome parental input and respond to questions or concerns as quickly as possible.
  • Allow pupils safe and secure use of the internet through a combination of site filtering, supervision and by fostering a responsible attitude in all pupils, and in partnership with parents to implement a whole-school approach to online safety.
  • Promote good attendance and punctuality.

Name of headteacher

Mrs J Woods


J Woods


September 2023

As a parent I will:

  • Accept the school’s aims, values, policies and procedures to positively support the school.
  • Ensure that my child attends school punctually during term time, unless there is a good reason for absence.
  • Notify the school by telephone or message in the event of absence.
  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines on learning, behaviour, attendance and uniform.
  • Support my child with homework that is set and ensure that this is completed on time according to school arrangements.
  • Regularly read with my child at home in line with school expectations. I will sign my child’s planner each time they read at home.
  • Promptly inform the school of any concerns or problems that may affect my child’s learning, behaviour or happiness at school.
  • Stay informed and up to date with the school community by regularly reading notices, newsletters, the school website and emails/messages.
  • Support the school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at home.
  • Attend parent meetings with teachers to discuss my child’s achievements and progress.
  • Inform the school immediately of any changes to my emergency contacts details.


Name of parent






As a pupil I will:

  • Work hard and listen carefully to instructions.
  • Attend school in the correct uniform.
  • Attend school regularly and on time.
  • Follow the school and class rules.
  • Behave in line with the school’s Behaviour Policy at all times to maintain the safety of myself and others.
  • Be polite, friendly and helpful to other pupils and adults.
  • Tell a member of staff if there is something I am not happy about.
  • Do my homework regularly and return it to school on time.
  • I will read at home regularly and bring my book and planner into school each day.
  • Bring all the equipment I need to school.
  • Take good care of the school environment.
  • Work safely online.


Name of pupil



