How we keep our children safe
- We have designated adults in place in school to handle any concerns staff, pupils or parents have
- We have staff trained in First Aid & Paediatric First Aid
- We ensure all staff follow rules for use of phones in school
- We ensure all visitors follow rules for use of phones in school
- All staff and visitors are briefed on safeguarding procedures before entry to the school
- All staff have read and understand the relevant safeguarding documents such as’Keeping Children Safe In Education’
- We have undertaken and ensured that staff have accessed ‘Prevent’ training
- We have an E-Safety policy followed by all
- Children are taught how to be safe online
- Through the everyday curriculum and PSHE we discuss with pupils how we keep safe
- We follow the safer recruitment policy when employing new staff
- We work closely with the police, social care, Startwell, Local Authority, and health services
- We have visits from agencies such as the NSPCC and Life Education
- We have risk assessments in place for all trips and visits
- We seek permission for all children before we take any photographs or recordings
Key Contacts
Safeguarding Leads:
Mrs J Woods – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr C Duckworth – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs M Quinn – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr J Power – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead