Design and Technology


At St Thomas’, we aim to provide all the children with a creative, hands-on design and technology curriculum. We aim to develop pupil’s creative, technical and practical skills to prepare them for an increasingly technological world. We aim to give all children the opportunity to design and make a variety of products that solve real and relevant problems, within a variety of contexts. Our design and technology curriculum is designed to give the children the skills of how to evaluate their ideas and products, including the work of others too. Our design and technology curriculum aims to enable children to understand and apply the principles of nutrition, whilst developing cookery skills which will aid them in later life. In all year groups, where appropriate, design and technology projects are linked with cross-curricular themes.


Design and technology at St Thomas’ allows all children to be an explorer and active participant through a wide range of high quality lessons. Where appropriate, discrete design and technology skills are taught. Tasks and projects are linked to the topic focus in each year group making learning real and purposeful. Design and technology skills are mapped out across all year groups to ensure all children have full access to an enriching design and technology curriculum with a clear progression of skills. Pupils are provided with opportunities to communicate their ideas through the use of discussions, drawings, templates, IT and mock-ups. They will be able to use a range of suitable equipment, including age-appropriate tools. iPads support teaching and learning in design and technology as a research tool and also to show the design, making and evaluation process.


At St Thomas’ assessment in design and technology is done through observations, discussions and demonstrations whilst the children are carrying out their tasks and from their final products. All work is displayed on pupil iPads; including research, design ideas, models and proto-types, final products and evaluations. Seesaw is used by staff to identify the skills pupils have achieved and for future planning. Through our design and technology curriculum, children are equipped with the necessary skills for the next stages of their design and technology education. Children respond positively to the tasks and challenges they face, enabling them to make good progress in design and technology.