
Spanish will be taught across KS2 in line with DfE requirements. With high quality teaching of a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) at Golborne St Thomas’, we offer pupils the opportunity to engage with a broad, balanced, engaging, relevant curriculum which will encourage the development of a deep understanding and awareness of the Spanish language, traditions and culture. Teaching will be delivered with an appreciation of prior learning, building the pupils’ skills year on year. The four key language skills will be taught. These are understanding, speaking, listening, and reading and writing, giving them the foundations to develop their progress and attainment across KS2.  


MFL is taught primarily through the Language Angels online resource package. Each year group is taught one unit per term. The topics that are taught are revised annually. They are chosen so that the vocabulary is relevant to a real life setting. Topics include, but are not limited to, introducing yourself, greetings, food, animals and the weather. Each lesson offers a range of challenges to develop understanding, fluency, reading and writing. Teaching and learning are via verbal practise, writing, reading and songs. iPads are used to consolidate the vocabulary associated with the topic via a range of relevant apps.  


The impact of studying a modern foreign language at Golborne St Thomas’ is that pupils will feel prepared for and inspired to continue studying MFL beyond KS2. The pupils will develop their conversation, reading and listening skills so that they will feel confident to explore their world and other cultures beyond their own. In addition, complementing their learning through a  variety of apps not only allows children to consolidate their MFL learning independently, but also embeds their use of technology. Learning through songs also offers the opportunity to enhance cross curricular links with music.